Take life and making it your own!

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. –Pablo Picasso, a man with many skills.

Life is an attitude, nothing more, nothing less... as is art. We choose how to live and what to create and these choices come from our attitude. Art roots from the passion to create and to create is to live.

Live strong passionate ART.

Art is everything you do!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


My My, what a crazy weekend and going to be week. This past weekend my husband and I took my sister, boyfriend, dan and our family camping for my sisters bday. Just some local spot on the island. It was good, awesome, great! There were some ups and downs with everyone... but no one can be perfect. I was trying to quit smoking, not a good idea for this weekend. I broke down and bought a pack. I was not a heavy smoker but I have been in the past. I was not smoking in the house or anything like that just 2 at work and if I would go out... but that was enough to have an effect on me when I went to quit. We, meaning me sister hub dan and bf decided to go find the bay... we found a trail which had a sign road so we thought... down here! The trail soon became narrow and not long after that we were looking at a patch of tall grass. Dan decides to go thru it and calls us all on, saying it is clear after the patch... blah blah blah after many more patches, a slight lost camera (dropped it in the tall grass) we ended in a thorn forrest dead end... TURN AROUND... back thru the patches, found the camera along with a parade of deer ticks covering our legs and feet. Crazy! i never seen so many ticks, I though they were mites. Before we left the trail we saw some deer... BEAUTIFUL! Fully aware of us some galloped away and some stayed to look at us as we gazed upon them. Back at camp we washed off and managed to stay out of the woods... playing cards and doing some good ol fishing. Caught about 10 fish total, the whole weekend. Now... I call myself a vegan MOST of the TIME... if i catch it I eat it. Once home we got back to our ongoing reality of moving and wedding plans. We eloped in June and are haveing the reception this weekend... in 2 weeks. Music is the only really big thing to take care of and final guest list to give to the cook. Moving we are doing for the next few days... PACKING :( Siked about the new place but not the move. I might not be on here to much the next few days. Wish me/us luck!!

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