Take life and making it your own!

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. –Pablo Picasso, a man with many skills.

Life is an attitude, nothing more, nothing less... as is art. We choose how to live and what to create and these choices come from our attitude. Art roots from the passion to create and to create is to live.

Live strong passionate ART.

Art is everything you do!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Beeeeeeeeee... yourself

MainBee on Etsy created this ornament... great detail! She also gives a lot of information on the process and beeswax like such "How is honey made?

Bees prepare honey from nectar which they collect from flowers and blossom of trees. They use it, as well as pollen, as food for their young. Honey is a mix of natural sugars (80%), water (18%) and minerals, vitamins, pollen, protein and amino acids (2%). Around 70% of honey's natural sugar content is made up of fructose and glucose

Varieties of Honey

Liquid or set?

Around 70% of honey's natural sugar content is made up of fructose and glucose. Clear and set honeys can be compared to ice and water - two different forms of the same thing. The more glucose a honey contains, the more likely it is to crystallize and therefore become a set honey. All honey starts off as liquid but will set eventually. The speed at which this will happen depends on the sugars they contain and the temperature at which they are kept. Both types are equally pure and contain no additives and there is no difference in the taste or nutritional value of these two states.

Is it true that honey is heated? " PLUS more... though there is a lot to read it is very informational and interesting... maybe no the best for etsy but certainly "cool!"

There are candles and even honey on her shop... check it out!!

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