Take life and making it your own!

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. –Pablo Picasso, a man with many skills.

Life is an attitude, nothing more, nothing less... as is art. We choose how to live and what to create and these choices come from our attitude. Art roots from the passion to create and to create is to live.

Live strong passionate ART.

Art is everything you do!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


My cousin Tebben sent my Aunt a JibJab card of her and my Uncle... omg it was great! The facial expressions of the pics she chose along with the event based on their wacko personalities, PERFECT!
Here is it... hope you get a kick out of it! http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/FBl9eNYPFGbj81Fg#/view/jarwgF9ttDtjUYqv

And... here is ours (Rob and I)

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